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7 Simple Tips For Rolling With Your Sectional Sofa With Storage
A Guide to Sectional Sofas With Storage

A sectional with storage is a great feature for any living space. These sofas are versatile and come in a range of performance fabrics that are durable enough to withstand dark and light pet hair, claws, kids and other everyday wear and wear and tear.

Some feature special touches like a built-in USB port or reversible chaise. There are some that have multiple seating options, while others can convert into a queen-sized bed.


When it is time to choose a sectional it's all about comfort. When you're watching TV or relaxing by the pool, you want to be in a position to relax and stretch out. A majority of the sofas we recommend are extra padded. They use high-density polyfibres as well as real down to provide an enduring softness. Some sofas also feature tufting, a technique for upholstery that keeps filling evenly dispersed. The sectionals we have reviewed in this guide can be used with pets. The covers are removable so you can clean them.

When you are comparing sectionals, look for those that come with comfort features like recliners and recliners. This makes them more adaptable and can be a great option for smaller spaces with small area for flooring. Some models also come with built-in USB ports for charging electronics which is a useful feature when entertaining guests or watching a movie with the family.

If you're looking to have an inviting space to relax and stretch out, this reclining sectional from West Elm is worth considering. It's a contemporary piece that features a power recline seat as well as a full sleeper that folds out from either side of the sofa. It comes in a range of high-performance fabrics that are easy to clean. They also wick away heat from the body. This makes it a perfect choice for families who have kids or pets.

This reclining storage sectional from EQ3 is another option. This sage green sofa is great for small spaces and provides many seating options with the pull of the lever. Plus, its storage space can be used to store pillows, blankets and other items of comfort. It's available in a range of colors and performance fabrics for an individual style.

If you're looking for a sectional which can be used as a bed this sleeper sectional from Interior Define is an excellent option. l sectional sofa 's a comfortable sofa but folds down into a Queen-sized Mattress when you're hosting overnight guests. It's a larger piece, so it takes up more space than other sectionals. However, you can choose between several lengths to fit your space.


A sectional sofa is a smart choice for your home. It offers many benefits. It's also a space-saving option because you can arrange the pieces to suit the layout of your living space. A lot of them come with storage options, chaise lounges and armless chairs to aid in keeping your space organized. You can make use of the storage compartments to store pillows, blankets and other items which makes them easy to find when you need them.

The versatility of sectional sofas is useful in small spaces as it creates a focal point, without taking up too much floor space. You can place the pieces on the walls or in corners to make the most of the space available. Because they're modular you can mix and match various colors and materials to suit your personal preferences.

Sectionals are also a great option for homes with large families or who regularly entertain guests. They can provide ample seating without consuming too much floor space, and you can arrange the pieces in different ways to accommodate all your guests. You can even opt for an even larger sectional with a chaise and cuddler to allow more people to sit comfortably.

A sectional sofa may also give a more unified unifying look when in comparison to traditional sofas. Traditional sofas can look messy and unorganized. The majority of models feature a distinctive style or color that matches the decor of your space. Some even come with a matching ottoman that serves as a footrest and extra seat.

There are a variety of sectional couches to choose from, so you're sure to find the right one for your home. There's a sectional available to best suit your style and the space, no matter if you choose an edgy sectional with a an reclining recliner that is reversible or a more traditional option. Plus, most models are easy to put together and can be enjoyed by your new sofa quickly and efficiently.


Sectional sofas that have storage can add a pop of color to a room or make a focal point in an unassuming space. Choose from a range of upholstery colors to complement your home design theme and create a cohesive appearance. The color of your cushions could also affect the comfort of your sofa. Certain fabrics are more easy to clean than others Keep this in mind when choosing a new sectional sofa that comes with storage.

If you prefer the minimalist style, then you should consider an ottoman that has hidden storage pockets beneath the cushions. This design allows you to conceal magazines, books, remote controls and other small items while keeping them within reach. The pocket can be used as a holder for tablets to watch your favorite video or as a reading lamp using an integrated power strip.

A modular sectional that includes a middle console that can be lowered to provide additional seating and storage space for board games, throw pillows, and blankets. This style is ideal for homes with children as well as teenagers. It's a comfy place to watch a movie with the family and is easily converted into a bed for overnight guests.

A lot of the sectional couches at West Elm come with an ottoman that can be used as a storage space to make it easier. Use the ottoman to store blankets, magazines and remotes in the hidden storage compartment. Some ottomans can even transform into a coffee table making them a versatile design element for any living room.

Another way to maximize the storage capacity of sectionals is to select a sofa that includes an adjustable mattress. The Article Soma sofa, for example, offers a dreamy pullout memory foam mattress that can sleep two adults. It's the perfect spot for guests who aren't expected overnight or children and their friends to play with on game day. Include a few throw cushions and a lamp next to the bed to complete the appearance.

West Elm has the perfect sectional with an adjustable bed that can be pulled out or a traditional sofa that has enough space for a gathering of the family. There are numerous options for upholstery, configurations, and add-ons. You can create the perfect space for a family movie night or relaxing after school.


A sectional sofa is more than just a spot to relax with your family. It can also be used to help you organize your home or even as a place to sleep for guests. Whether you need more space for pillows, blankets and board games or you want to upgrade your couch's appearance with a new fabric or color sofas available at City Furniture provide the perfect solution for any home.

Some of our sofas have clever storage solutions built into every seat. A handy compartment inside the armrest or between seats gives you a place to store items that are frequently used like phones, remote controls and tablets. A center console option offers an additional middle storage area with a drawer at the bottom underneath and is the ideal spot to keep books and magazines near by.

Other sectional couches have an ottoman with storage space. This versatile addition to the seating area offers a soft footrest or extra seat, and it's also ideal for storing extra throw pillows as well as board games and seasonal decorations. Some of these pieces offer an array of upholstery options, allowing you to customize the legs, upholstery and size to fit the space you have.

If you want more than a standard sofa, think about a sectional modular sofa. They are available in various sizes and configurations. Utilize our length filters to find the appropriate size for your living room and look into the reversible chaise options that many of these models offer. This means you can rotate the chaise lounges according to your needs regardless of whether you're hosting a large crowd or just enjoying a quiet evening at home.

If you are looking for a sleeper sofa sectional, the Novogratz Perry convertible sofa with storage is a great option. This versatile piece is a must-have for small living rooms and basement spaces. The storage chaise can be set on either side, and the backrest that is adjustable can create a comfortable bed for guests. The button tufting that embellishes this stunning sofa set will enhance your decor while the nailhead trim and bracket legs add a timeless touch of elegance.